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Executive Long-Term Care Plan

Executive LTC plans are becoming increasingly important as people live longer.

Executive Long-Term Care (LTC) plans are a valuable benefit that can provide financial security in case of illness or disability. These plans cover the costs associated with basic Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) tasks. Once an individual can no longer perform two or more of these activities, LTC benefits can begin to pay for care. 

LTC products offer many different services to assist ADLs:

ADL and Support Chart

Note:  Typically, the loss of two or more ADLs and/or severe cognitive impairment will trigger LTC benefits once the 90-day elimination period has been satisfied.​ The insured’s doctor determines that care is needed for 90 days or longer for basic ADLs.

By scheduling a meeting with Mezrah Consulting, you can learn all the advantages and plan design options to ensure the full benefit of using Executive LTC’s is realized.