Companies are now allowing executives to defer their restricted stock units (RSUs) and performance stock units (PSUs) into their nonqualified deferred compensation plans (DCPs). This gives executives...
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Posts about Deferred Compensation Plan:
Preparing for and executing an equity-realizing event requires quite a bit of strategic thought and discipline. More important, it requires a leadership team that is focused, motivated and committed...
When most people think about compensation, few think about severance as a form of compensation they will receive. It is important to plan for all contingencies regardless of their likelihood. ...
The value of leveraging a deferred compensation plan during a time when values in 401(k) plans have been significantly impaired can be substantial. Being able to better control the timing on...
A Compensation Recovery Plan should be considered by companies who are focused on retaining key employees and rewarding them for successfully navigating through the economic impact of...
Changes to 162(m) made by the Tax Act expand the $1 million deduction limit for covered employees at public companies. Nonqualified deferred compensation plan (NQDC) amounts accrued as of...
June 2018 Deferred Compensation Plans can be designed and funded to have little to no P&L impact. However, even the most well thought out plans can put a company in a negative P&L position...
March 19, 2018 US corporations will be receiving a significant injection of cash by way of tax savings due to the recent Trump Tax legislation. As we are all aware, corporate tax rates...
March 31, 2021 (republished) When people think of deferred compensation plans (DCP), several words typically come to mind – “income deferral,” “saving for retirement,” “tax-deferred...
December 22, 2017 (Updated March 16, 2018) H.R. 1: An Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018 (“Act”)...
RSUs and PSUs – A Versatile Tool to Attract and Retain Executive Talent While Providing Unique Defer
There are many effective tax-planning tools for corporations who are looking to incentivize employees. Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) or Performance Stock Units (PSUs) have some unique...
August 9, 2016 On June 21, 2016, the Treasury Department issued long-awaited proposed regulations under Code Section 457(f) regarding nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements sponsored...